Training the Mind in the Great Way Published 1997 Glenn H. Mullin…gives the freshness of a contemporary work to a transmission more than five hundred years old. Available from: You may also like... Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa This collection of readings on the six yogas contains important texts on this esoteric doctrine, including original Indian works by… Female Buddhas: Women of Enlightenment in Tibetan Mystical Art Any visitor to a Tibetan temple will be impressed by the large number of female images that appear in wall… Czternastu dalajlamow (Polish) Czternastu dalajlamowKsiega zawiera zbior fragmentow najwazniejszych dziel kolejnych Dalajlamow, w tym Jego swiatobliwosci Czternastego Dalajlamy. Znajduja sie tu opowiesci o… Previous PostNext Post
Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa This collection of readings on the six yogas contains important texts on this esoteric doctrine, including original Indian works by…
Female Buddhas: Women of Enlightenment in Tibetan Mystical Art Any visitor to a Tibetan temple will be impressed by the large number of female images that appear in wall…
Czternastu dalajlamow (Polish) Czternastu dalajlamowKsiega zawiera zbior fragmentow najwazniejszych dziel kolejnych Dalajlamow, w tym Jego swiatobliwosci Czternastego Dalajlamy. Znajduja sie tu opowiesci o…